Monday, October 14, 2019

Wick System Hydroponic Gardens - Learn Hydroponic

Wick Systems are the simplest form of hydroponics and are incredibly easy to set up. They are a great introduction for beginners or students who want to learn the basic principles of hydroponics without having to deal with the complex mechanisms of other systems.

Wick systems are passive, i.e. they have no moving parts. This makes them easier and cheaper to maintain than active systems like Ebb and Flow, but they also have the disadvantage that they are less efficient and not well equipped for high-maintenance plants or large plants that consume a lot of water. The best plants to use in this system are fast growing salads or herbs. Herbs such as rosemary, which does not require much water, are the best choice, while thirsty plants such as tomatoes would not do well.

The functioning of a Wick system is similar to the salad-raft method, as the roots always come into contact with water. The difference is that a Wick system uses two or more wicks to deliver water from the reservoir via capillary action to the roots; While in a salad raft the roots are submerged in the reservoir itself.

One of the biggest drawbacks of Wick Systems is that they can't handle very thirsty plants like tomatoes. The best plants in Wick Systems are fast growing salads as well as herbs. Herbs like rosemary, which do not require much water, are the best choices.

There are four main components in a Wick system – the growth tray, reservoir, wick and ventilation system.

Learn More Here!

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